This page gives information about recent additions to
- In my LDSFAQ area, have added links to my recent LDS publications at
- Added new web page posts in my WordPress blog area,
- Added SSL (https://) to my site, and also improved caching and other features.
- Numerous updates to various pages on the Hmong people, LDS issues, etc.
- On my LDSFAQ index page, I have added details of seven new publications of mine on the peer-reviewed LDS journal, The Interpreter.
- Made updates to the Book of Mormon evidences page, splitting it into four pages.
- Created several new LDS articles on various topics that are listed on the LDS Experience page.
- Updated the Hmong Tragedy page.
- Updated LDSFAQ pages on Abraham, metals, Book of Mormon problems, and several other issues.
- Added more photos of China and other parts of the world to my photography area.
- Added the Avada Wordpress theme to the Shake Well Blog and now the home page and some other pages at It's a steep learning curve with many changes yet to come.
- Added an LDS section to my Wordpress area: The LDS Experience, with links to additional articles.
- Added Surviving China to give my tips on living in China and especially Shanghai.
- Added many new entries to the Shake Well Before Serving blog.
- Updated many other pages. Yawn.
June-November 2012
- Split my page on DNA and the Book of Mormon in a main page and four appendices.
- Updated links and content on many of my LDSFAQ pages.
- Updated information and links on my Book of Mormon Evidences page.
- Added photogalleries for Abstract Photos, Nature Scenes and Landscapes, Photos from Asia: China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Korea, Thailand, and Favorite Photos from Bangkok, Thailand.
- Updated photos from my gallery Discovered Art: 2011-2012 Works.
- Updated my page on Mormons and Mormon Beliefs: An Introduction to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Mormons).
April-May 2012
- Added a photo page for Korea Photos: Seoul and the Seorak Mountains
- On my LDSFAQ page on race issues, I added a section about the meaning of some Book of Mormon passages.
- On my LDSFAQ page on questions about Book of Mormon evidences, I added a question about Book of Mormon geography including the alleged information we can draw from the puzzling Zelph incident.
- On my LDSFAQ page of facetious questions, I added a question about children and sin.
- Added some important new links to my LDSFAQ page on baptism for the dead.
- Added a page of photos from Salt Lake City featuring the controversial(??) City Creek Center mall.
Jan.-March 2012
- Added new photo galleries from China: China Shots #1, China Shots #2, China Shots #3, and China Shots #4.
I moved to China and everything has changed. Less Internet access, less time, more fun. Still kept some updates coming along.
- Updated my page of Favorite Photos from 2008, Set 1.
- Created a gallery for Wisconsin Water, Ice, and Rust: More Favorite Photos, 2010 Compilation.
- Added a Tribute to Dallas Anderson, the sculptor who shaped much of the Fox Valley - or at least provided three important works of art, two of which are icons of their cities.
- Added a new photogallery, Winter Woods, Waters, and Windows: Midwest Winter Photos from 2008-2009.
- Added a new page of photos from winter: Memories of Winter: Fox Valley Photos, 2008. Trying a new format for my photos on this page.
- Updated pages on Appleton dining, Appleton fun, and All About Appleton.
Jan.-March 2007
- Updated several of my LDSFAQ pages, adding content and improving the format. See, for example, my newly updated page on the Book of Abraham.
Dec. 2006
- My son, Benjamin, now has an embryonic site:
- Began changing the format of my Mormon Answers / LDSFSAQ site.
Sept. - Nov. 2006
- The newest addition to my pages of photos from the Fox Valley is a page of photos from Neenah's Riverside Park, emphasizing the "Playing in the Rain" sculpture and fountain. Just released Nov. 26, 2006.
- The Top Ten Tips for Homebuyers in Appleton, Wisconsin and the Fox Cities Area is a new page in my suite of Appleton-related pages. It includes results of an interview a leading realtor, Bradd Syring.
- Began a blog at called Shake Well Before Serving, a mixture of views on investing, strange events, politics, and so forth.
July 2006
- Added a new page of photos from Newport Beach, California, accessible via my photography galleries page.
- Many additions in photography, updates in my LDSFAQ section (LDS/Mormon answers).
- Made major revisions and additions to my Appleton pages, including addition of two new pages, "Dining in Appleton, Wisconsin," and "Fun and Activities in Appleton, Wisconsin."
- In my Hmong area, added two new pages: "Hmong Health (Health and Medical Issues for Hmong People)" and "Hmong Culture Clash: Challenges in the United States."
- Added a page featuring a rather dark poem, Prophecy, from a fine poet and friend of mine, Gerald (Jerry) Long of Salt Lake City, Utah. While I disagree with the message of the poem, it is artful and powerful, and he has granted me permission to share it here as it's first place of publication.
- Added new information on my page, The Case Against Block Scheduling.
March-June 2006
- Created a new page of photography: Photography Page 8, and also updated my page, Friends and Strangers (interesting people).
Jan./Feb. 2006
- Modified my Appleton, Wisconsin page, adding new pages on dining in Appleton (restaurant reviews) and fun things to do in Appleton.
Dec./Nov. 2005
- Extended my coverage of Appleton, Wisconsin by adding the new Appleton, Wisconsin Blog.
- Added a new photo gallery from the Smith Museum of Stained Glass at Navy Pier, Chicago. Added a new photogallery with 63 photos from the 2005 Appleton, Wisconsin Christmas Parade.
- Added a photogallery with photos of Monte Alban in Oaxaca State, Mexico - an ancient Mesoamerica city. It's part of a large group of photos I took in southern Mexico in 2005.
Sept. 2005
- Added new photos from Appleton's fabulous Octoberfest celebration, Sept. 24, 2005.<
- Created several new pages of photography: Friends and Strangers (interesting people), More Lindsay Family Photos from 2005, 2005 Photos from Appleton, #2, and Industrial Art.
- Posted a poem by my friend, Jerry Long, a fine writer in Salt Lake City, with his permission. It's "Constructs of an Unseen Fly Buzzing in the Room." I also posted it on a page at Mormanity.
June to August, 2005
- Updated my LDSFAQ page about the problem of wordiness in the Book of Mormon to include new information about the Hebraic editorial device of "repetitive resumption."
- Conducted a new mystery photo contest related to my page about Appleton, Wisconsin, and added more information about the town.
- Added more photos to several of my photography pages.
- Fixed broken links of many pages - many still to go!
- Addressed a question about Galatians 3:27-28 on my LDSFAQ page about relationships between God, man, and others.
- Added a new article, "Friar Diego de Landa's Observations on the Yucatan - Possible Echoes from the Book of Mormon?" to my collection of Book of Mormon Nuggets.
May 2005
- Added new photos to my page of favorite photos from 2005, and also added other photos to several other pages.
- Added a new page of photos from Appleton, Wisconsin as part of a growing set of Appleton pages.
- Announced my new Appleton Mystery Photos Contest, Series 2 on my Appleton, Wisconsin page. Can you idenitfy the locations of the Appleton sites shown on my photo album of Appleton mystery photos . The series 1 contest netted $60 toward local dining to Ron and Wendy Osero, who correctly identified 24 out of 26 of the photos in series 1.
- Updated my page on Design Flaws and Intelligent Design to include more information about the framework of intelligent design.
March 2005
- Created a new page of favorite photos from 2005, and also added other photos to several other pages.
Feb. 2005
- Created a new page of satire: Planned Unparenthood - an organization dedicated to protecting your right to choose by terminating unwanted post-natal fetuses.
Jan. 2005
- Based on frequent requests for more of my pictures of Hmong people, I created a Hmong photo album on my Sanity Defense blog. I'll add more photos there soon.
- Added a new page of comments on Hmong issues - recent feedback on the topics I raise on my Hmong tragedy page.
- On my LDSFAQ page, "Are Mormons Christian?," I added more information in my answer to the question, "Wasn't it just in the past few years the Mormons have started to pretend to be Christians in order to better fit into society?"
Dec. 2004
- On my Appleton, Wisconsin page, I announced a contest with actual prizes based on identifying the most of my Appleton Mystery Photos. Also added a new photo on one of my Appleton photo pages.
November 2004
- Added a new page of favorite photos from 2004, all of which I have made into 11 x 14 enlargements for display on the walls of my home, in case you're wondering.
- Added a new page of photos from the 2004 Christmas Parade in Appleton.
- Finally updated my page on Magic with Paper to include information about an interesting illusion with a dragon made out of paper.
- Updated several other pages, such as my page on Science and Mormon Religion, my page on alleged Book of Mormon problems, and my page, "Metals and the Book of Mormon."
- Updated my page about the Hmong people to include a discussion of the recent murder of several hunters by a Hmong hunter (including some sad examples of racist responses about the crime). I also included a plug for the preservation of Hmong art.
- Added two new pages of photos from Appleton, Wisconsin: Art in the Park 2004 and more photos from Appleton 2004 (the latter is still in progress - more to be added tonight).
- Added my review of the book, Black and Mormon about race issues in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Also see the review at Mormanity (my LDS blog).
- Update my online resume with some more patents.
October 2004
- Updated several LDSFAQ pages with additional information or questions. For example, there is a new question on my page about alleged Book of Mormon plagiarism dealing with the issue of politics in Joseph Smith's day. I also added some things to my page on Mormon temples and alleged Masonic connections.
- Added links to Brigham Young University's page for the Chemical Engineering Department's Outstanding Alumnus of 2004 since that award went to a staff member here at
- My page on questions about science and religion was updated with additional information clarifying official LDS views on the age of the earth (there is nothing that requires a young earth).
- Added a new question to my Mormon Answers page on LDS Practices and Worship (the question deals with the idea that the Church demands too much from its members).
- Added a number of new photos in my Appleton area and photography areas.
September 2004
- Added a new page of photographs from Appleton's fabulous Octoberfest celebration, Sept. 25, 2004.
- Added a couple new pages based on previous blog posts: "Religious Implications of the Placebo Effect" and also "Mental Health in the Church: Suggestions for Leaders."
- Provided updated information about ancient American origins (including new evidence of contact with Australia) on my page on DNA and the Book of Mormon.
- Updated many of my pages of photos.
- Added a new page of my photographs of magical scenes from Houdini Days, a significant festival of magic in Appleton. Please join us in 2005! Also added a lot of new information about the event on my amateur magic page.
- Added a new success story to my Block Scheduling pages.
August 2004
- On my page about the Hmong people, I provided new information from 2004 about the Hmong people and the last wave of migration from Thailand.
Created a new page of some photos I took at the July 2004 wedding of my son, Stephen, and his marvelous new bride, Meliah.
- Added a new page with the autobiography of one of my ancestors, Talitha Cumi Garlick Avery Cheney, a tough pioneer woman who was baptized by Joseph Smith and was an eye-witness to an interesting and puzzling miracle involving Brigham Young.
- Made many updates to various LDS pages on my site.
July 2004
- Added a new page of Flag Day parade photos from Appleton as part of my suite of Appleton photos for my Appleton pages.
- Added a new photo on my Lindsay Family Photos 2004 page.
- Updated my page on the LDS Word of Wisdom to include a link to a helpful article by Michael Ash.
June 2004
- Added several new poems on my page of poetry, and added a page "Digital Piety" with a "geekish" poem (but a true story) on exploring the digits of pi.
- Added a new Book of Mormon Nuggets page, "The Richness of First Nephi in the Book of Mormon: Further Reading," providing some suggested reading for insights into and evidences supporting the authenticity of First Nephi.
- Updated my page on Mesoamerican Fortifications and Defensive Structures in the Book of Mormon, adding links to photos of relevant Mayan ruins.
- Added new photos to page 1 of my favorite photos, page 2 of my favorites, as well as family photos from 2004 and family photos from 2003.
- Updated my page on "The First Vision of Joseph Smith" with background information about revivals from a letter of Charles Finney.
- Updated my page on "Alleged Problems and Contradictions in the Book of Mormon" to deal with a couple of questions related to the Red Sea.
May 2004:
- I've started a blog on LDS issues that I call Mormanity (Mormon Sanity).
- Added new material and links to my page, "DNA and the Book of Mormon."
- Added a new Book of Mormon Nugget page, "Lessons from the Elephantine Papyri Regarding Book of Mormon Names and Nephi's Temple." It discusses the significance of the Jewish temple on the island of Elephantine in the Nile (also called the island of Yeb), as well as the occurrence of Sariah as a legitimate ancient Jewish name for a woman.
- Updated my page on "King Benjamin's Speech in the Book of Mormon," showing that it has numerous hallmarks of being an authentic ancient Semitic farewell speech - arguably the most complete example on record of an ancient rhetorical form.
April 2004:
- Added information about olive culture and Jacob 5 on my Book of Mormon Evidences page.
- Added a new page of my favorite photos, supplementing my earlier first page of favorites.
- Added a new page of photos from Cambridge, England that I took before and after sessions at a technical conference in 2003.
- Updated my page on "Questions about Racial Issues in the Church" to include the story of Earl Elliot and added some new links.
- Added a new Snippets article, "The Invention of Modern Professional Sports: Time to Give Native Americans Credit."
- Added an index page of Book of Mormon Nuggets - small gems of evidence in support of my main page of Book of Mormon Evidences.
- Updated a "Book of Mormon Nugget" page on Native American Legends of Founders Crossing the Ocean, adding information pertaining to legends of the Creek tribe about a Pacific Ocean crossing.
- Updated my Block Scheduling area (Part 2) with a review of couple of additional studies and a great success story about two moms who used common success and a lot of faith to overcome the block in their school.
March 2004:
- Created a new LDSFAQ page, "Questions about Science and Mormon Doctrine," an essay that deals with general issues of science and Mormonism, as well as specifics such as evolution, the Flood, DNA, etc. This may be a useful companion article to my essay on DNA Evidence and the Book of Mormon.
- On my page, "Hiding Sacred Records like the Golden Plates: A Well Established Ancient Practice," I added a new example of ancient writing of religious texts on metal plates that were then preserved in a box (see the "2004 update" at the end of the page). This example was discussed by the ancient Buddhist pilgrim, Xuanzang. I found the account in a marvelous book of his life that I bought for pennies at a local library book sale.
- Added a new page, "Mormon Prophets, Called of God but Fallible: Why the Church of Jesus Christ Is and Can Be True even though Church Leaders Make Mistakes," dealing with the Biblical concept that true prophets are still fallible mortals.
- Added new material and links to my page, "DNA and the Book of Mormon." For example, I added more information about past LDS teachings allowing for Asian and other genetic influences to be among Native Americans.
- Added more information about the fraudulent Kinderhook Plates to my LDSFAQ page, "Apparent Problems in the Book of Mormon," and also updated links on other LDSFAQ pages.
- Added some new questions and answers on my LDSFAQ page, "LDS Worship and Practices."
- "Public Education: Views of a Concerned Parent" now has a section on middle schools and their retreat from content.
- Added a new page in my suite of adventures from Sci-Cops. The new page is "In the Gut: Busting Mr. More-than-perfect, Jack Welch"--based on a terrible confession he makes in his autobiography of illegal activity (violating the laws of nature).
February 2004:
- Added a technical article, "High-bulk Tissue Laminates for Building Materials and Other Purposes," that I published last year at
- My National Lawn Care Now! page was updated with an announcement about our new "Got Mulch?" campaign. Special thanks to Arnold Schwarzenegger's evil twin. Oh, yes, and thanks to Hillary Clinton also (look about halfway down the page).
- Answered the frequently asked question, "Are my Mormon girlfriend's parents insane?" on my LDSFAQ page about love, dating, and marriage.
- Added information about local skating opportunities on my Appleton page.
- Added a new page of photographs, "Winter Scenes in Appleton." Also added more photographs to my page of favorite photos and began displaying some family photos from 2004. Also added a photo my page of family photos from 2003.
- Added "Feng Shui Physics" as an important new course on my Politically Correct Physics page, featuring course offerings from the Scientific and Technical University for Politically Intelligent Development (S.T.U.P.I.D.).
- Posted an article, "Multicolored Absorbent Articles: A Brief History," by Jeffrey D. Lindsay and Beth A. Lange, Dec. 2003. This article is actually on my old Website, and is a slightly modified HTML version of the original article at It's an odd article, to be sure, and deals with some topics that I don't normally include at, but it's there for a good reason.
- Posted a new page, "The Book of Mormon and the Writings of Alexander von Humboldt," dealing with the allegation that Joseph Smith could have obtained useful information from Alexander von Humboldt to assist in describing Book of Mormon peoples. Not a topic of sizzling importance, but one that I hope will be useful to those seeking to understand the state of knowledge about Mesoamerica in the nineteenth-century.
- Announced that the former CEO of (that's me) has voluntarily stepped down to allow a low-cost overseas employee to take over as CEO, bringing HUGE cost savings to the corporation. In fact, we were the first US company to make this daring decision. But it would not have been possible without the help of an innovative offshore placement company for executives (and politicians!), Off the Top, Inc.
January 2004:
- Updated my page, "Public Education: Views of a Concerned Parent," to include some information from The War Against Excellence by Cheri Yecke.
- Blueprints for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq have been found at last! (One of my Snippets pages.)
- Revealed the real Top Ten Reasons for Going to Mars, based on a document just leaked from a senior official in the Bush Administration. This is one of my Snippets pages.
- Updated my National Lawn Care Now! page with information about NLCN!'s global aspirations and their stellar--or cometary--role in the war against terror.
- Posted a new "Book of Mormon Nugget" page, "The Place Shazer: Another Direct Hit from the Arabian Peninsula." Reviews evidence that another specific location mentioned by Nephi has been found.
- Posted my original script for a satirical skit, "One Day in the Life of Joseph Smith, Translator Extraordinaire of the Book of Mormon," which deals with allegations that Joseph Smith plagiarized from numerous sources in preparing the Book of Mormon.
- Added my views on nanotechnology hype and hysteria on my page of "Commentary on Current Events in Science."
- Added a new technical article, Retail RFID Systems without Smart Shelves, which was also officially archived at on Dec. 23, 2003.
- Added a new technical article, RFID Locating Systems for Linking Valued Objects with Multimedia Files, which was also officially archived at on Dec. 23, 2003.
- Added a new technical article, RFID Locating Systems for Linking Valued Objects with Multimedia Files, which was also officially archived at on Dec. 23, 2003.
- Update my article, "Legends of the Great White God: Consistent with Book of Mormon Claims?" with some additional information.
November 2003:
- Updated my "Cutting Edge of Science" page with a tongue-in-beak story about bizarre initiation rituals for graduate students in biology departments in the University of California system.
- Made a significant update in my page, "DNA and the Book of Mormon," discussing newly published DNA evidence showing that haplotype X mtDNA in Siberia is not related to that found among Native Americas, and also providing links to four excellent new publications. I am also happy to report that the Nov. 16, 2003 version of my essay in PDF format has been posted on the Church's newsroom website at (now archived).
- Updated my Book of Mormon Evidences page with information about volcanic activity consistent with the Book of Mormon, including evidence from ice core data.
- Updated some shopping information on the Consumer's Guide to Appleton.
October 2003:
- Updated my LDSFAQ page on Prophets in Latter-day Saint Religion, adding two new questions (the last two) and making other improvements.
- Added a new page: MegaPlacebos Plus - an exciting new service that brings the incredible power of placebos to many new areas of your life. Placebos are the gold standard for effectiveness in medicine - yet they are low cost and free of side effects. Who can beat that? But MegaPlacebos plus lets you purchase placebos not just for your physical health (now including hair growth!), but also for dozens of other areas as well. Try out our placebo-based corporate training programs, or our placebo maid service. If you have a need, MegaPlacebos Plus has a solution. And each MegaPlacebos Plus product is so easy to use - there's really nothing to it! We guarantee it: nothing works as well.
- Updated some shopping information on the Consumer's Guide to Appleton.
September 2003:
- Updated "2 Nephi 12 and the Tricola Problem" to include a rebuttal to a recent article in Dialogue suggesting that a Bible commentary might have been the source for an interesting Isaiah variant in the Book of Mormon. Also on that page, I report the discovery of additional paired tricola in Nephi's writings, providing additional evidence for the authentic Semitic nature of the Book of Mormon.
- Added a new page, "Latter-day Saints and the Covenant Framework of the Gospel:
An Ancient Perspective Restored." - Added new information about ancient Hebrew covenants on my page of Questions about the LDS (Mormon) Temple and Free Masonry.
- Added more information from early Christian writings on my page, "The Relationship between Grace, Works, and Eternal Life," as well as to several LDSFAQ pages.
August 2003:
- Updated links on my LDS-related pages, restoring many recently broken FARMS links, for example, and adding some new information in several LDSFAQ areas.
- Updated my Block Scheduling page with updated links and a new request for information from music educators, especially those dealing with trimester systems.
- Added a new photography page with My Favorite Photos - mostly digital photography from 2003. Digital photography has become something of a hobby for me ever since my wife gave me an Olympus C-4000 camera as an early Father's Day present in 2003.
- Updated my photos of Appleton, Wisconsin, including Page 1 of Appleton Photos, Page 2, and Page 3.
- Updated my Book of Mormon Evidences page with information about the ancient place "Nahom" in the Arabian Peninsula, as reported in 1 Nephi and as confirmed by recently published inscriptions from three ancient altars in Yemen. Added two "Book of Mormon Nuggets" pages dealing with specific but minor aspects of Book of Mormon evidences: More Support for the Place Nahom and Legends Pointing to Transoceanic Origins for Native Americans.
- Added more information to my page on Questions about the Book of Abraham, Part 2.
July 2003:
- Added more information to my page on Questions about the Book of Abraham (e.g., reasons why Facsimile 1 may have been attached to the Book of Breathings).
- Added new information to my page about Metals and the Book of Mormon and also my page on Apparent Problems in the Book of Mormon.
- Added three new patents and a publication to my online resume.
Added some new information about New Testament passages on my page on alleged plagiarism in the Book of Mormon.
- Added a photo montage of Appleton at the top of my page about Appleton, Wisconsin.
- Added a new photo and revised other material on my page about yours truly.
- Updated some links about Polly Cooper on my page about the Oneida Indian Tribe of Wisconsin.
May 2003:
- Added a new page of Lindsay Family Photos from 2003.
- Added new information to my page on Masonry and the Mormon Temple, including information about alleged connections to the Kabbalah and Joseph's knowledge of Masonry.
- Added a new page, "Fire Safety in the Hmong Community: Peter Lee's Eagle Scout Project" - summary of an Eagle Scout project for Peter Lee, to whom I have served as an advisor.
April 2003:
- My Father's Story: Betrayed by the United Nations in the Korean War is a new page in my Snippets area. It gives the account of my father, William Dean Lindsay, about UN betrayals of American troops during the Korean War -- a sobering lesson for those who would turn over American troops to the United Nations.
- Added some new information and a new image to my National Lawn Care Now! page.
- On my page about the Hmong people, I added a story from a police officer about her experiences with the Hmong people in Wisconsin.
- Cracked Planet News Flash: Bush Vindicated: Weapons of Mass Reduction Found in Iraq! (4/17/03) - Not weapons of mass destruction, but mass reduction. Do you know the difference? Your life could depend on it. Update: Marines roundup weapons of GRASS DESTRUCTION as well! If you had any doubts about the threat Iraq posed to America, this news should weed them out for sure.
- Added significant new information on the human retina to my page on alleged design flaws in nature, dealing with the claim that the octopus eye is better designed and that the human eye shows the kind of random design flaw one would expect from blind chance without intelligent design.
- Created a new parody page for the fictitious organization, the American Collage Network for Educators (ACNE), a support group to encourage secondary education teachers to keep on using COLLAGE as an all-purpose educational tool. Be sure to check out the real collage on that page! The ACNE page is at
- Updated my CultMaster 2000 parody page about spoof software for proving anybody who doesn't believe exactly as you do is a member of a cult. Also updated an associated page with a free demo for producing a letter of concern to cultists.
- Created an improved logo for my Sci-Cops page (a spoof about enforcers of the laws of nature, like gravity).
March 2003:
- Added new discussion and quotations to my page about alleged design flaws in nature (a page where I seek to refute the notion that apparent design flaws prove that life is not the result of intelligent design by a divine Creator).
- Added additional information and answers to the following LDSFAQ pages of answers to commonly asked questions about LDS beliefs: the page on the divine potential of human beings, the page on love, dating, and marriage, and the page on relationships between God, man, and others.
- Added more comments from others on my page of comments from others about block scheduling (a harmful educational fad).
- Began a new page of less-than-serious commentary on real science: "The Cutting Edge of Science." The first entry deals with the recent discovery that damage to a part of the brain called the insula decreases the emotion of disgust.
- Updated the page, "My Turn" (a page of tough questions I'd like to ask the anti-Mormon critics).
- Added some new links to my page, "DNA and the Book of Mormon."
Feb. 2003:
- Updated my National Lawn Care Now! area to include a press release about HomeYard Security - wonderful news indeed! Check out the photo of George W. Bush with the HomeYard Security logo behind him.
- On several of my LDS-related pages, I added information from Father Jordan Vajda's master's thesis (UC Berkeley, 1998) that explored the topic of the early Christian doctrine of theosis and its relation to LDS teachings about the divine potential of human beings. The updated pages are my LDSFAQ page on the divine potential of human beings; my new page, "My Turn," in which I ask a few questions of LDS critics; and my LDSFAQ page, "Are Latter-day Saints Christians?."
- Added excerpts from the 18th-century writings of Mariano Veytia regarding ancient Mexican traditions to my LDSFAQ page on baptism and on a new "Book of Mormon Nuggets" page, Mesoamerican Traditions of Darkness and Seismic Events when Christ Died.
- Updated my Sci-Cops site to include a new story: "Sci-Cops and the Case of the Time-Traveling Lawyers."
- Added new information about the arts and automobiles on my Consumer's Guide to Appleton. Also reviewed a new restaurant (Min Du's - with a low-cost sushi buffet!) on my Appleton page.
- Added new information about the accuracy of ancient scribes on my LDSFAQ page about the Bible, "Latter-day Saints and the Bible."
- Added new information about fun with paper on my page about paper and the paper industry.
Jan. 2003:
- Began a new LDS-related page, "My Turn," where instead of answering frequent questions from critics of my faith, I ask a few infrequently answered questions of my own. A work in progress.
- Added significant new material to my page on "DNA and the Book of Mormon," including information on human lymphocyte antigens.
- On my Book of Mormon Evidences page, I added new information about the use of cement in Mesoamerican buildings, beginning at approximately the same time the Book of Mormon says it was introduced.
- Updated a variety of LDSFAQ pages, such as "Apparent Problems in the Book of Mormon," (adding new information on chariots).
Dec. 2002:
- Added results from two new studies on block scheduling on my Block Scheduling page.
- Added new information and links to my page on Book of Mormon Evidences.
- A new page gives the true story of my recent encounter with Dean Kamen, one of the world's most impressive inventors (e.g., he's the inventor of the Segway Human Transporter).
- I just released an embryonic Consumer's Guide to Appleton, giving my personal views on consumer shopping in the Fox Cities (Appleton, Wisconsin and neighboring cities). This is a supplement to my Appleton, Wisconsin Web page.
- Added some historical information about the mobbers in the 1833-1838 conflict in Missouri on my page, "Mormons and Danites: The Historical Background in Missouri." Also added new information from a book by Terry Givens on my page of facetious (?) issues in my LDSFAQ area.
- Added additional information from early Christian documents (e.g., the Gospel of Nicodemus and other texts) to my pages on the oneness of God, Adam and the Fall, the LDS Temple, and the Restoration.
- Added an important new resource on my page about race and LDS religion.
Nov. 2002:
- Updated links on my amateur magic page.
- Added information about the Green Bay Botanical Garden and other local information to my Appleton page. Also mentioned the utterly trivial and embarrassing "opera" that was presented at the new Performing Arts Center during their Grand Opening performance on Nov. 29.
- Added new information about iron in ancient Mesoamerica on my page, "Metals in the Book of Mormon."
- Added new information about the diversity of languages in the Americas and implications for the Book of Mormon on my LDSFAQ page, "Questions about Apparent Problems in the Book of Mormon. Also added more information about B.H. Roberts' views.
- Added a new LDSFAQ page, "Mercy and Justice in the Book of Mormon: Ancient or Modern Concepts?" Is the Book of Mormon's profound discourse on justice and mercy in the Book of Mormon too modern for an ancient Semitic text? Some critics say it derived from modern writings, but I present evidence to the contrary.
- Added more information from early Christian writings on my page, "The Relationship between Grace, Works, and Eternal Life."
- Added information about added material in the Dead Sea Scrolls version of Psalm 135 on my page, "The Divine Potential of Human Beings: The Latter-day Saint Perspective." Also added information from Boyd K. Packer to that page, and to my page, "Do Latter-day Saints Belong to a Cult?."
- Added new information about alleged plagiarism of George Whitefield in the Book of Mormon on my page, "Plagiarism in the Book of Mormon?"
- Added a new "Book of Mormon Nuggets" page entitled, "Circumstantial Evidence and the Witnesses of the Book of Mormon: Can They Be Ignored Any Longer?"
Oct. 2002:
- Answered a question about George Whitefield as an alleged source for the Book of Mormon on my page about Allegations of Plagiarism in the Book of Mormon" at
- Added new information about local institutions on my Appleton page.
- Added new information on the ancient use of steel and brass, including information from scholar Robert J. Forbes, to my page on "Metals in the Book of Mormon."
- On my page, "2 Nephi 12 and the Tricola Problem," added information about the original manuscript of the Book of Mormon, where available portions showed that the paired tricola I have tentatively identified were present in the original manuscript, as expected.
Sept. 2002:
- Added a sidebar with additional details pertaining to prophecies on the Civil War on my LDSFAQ page, "Fulfilled Prophecies of Joseph Smith" at
- Added a couple of short pages to my "Book of Mormon Nuggets" section on my "Book of Mormon Evidences" page at The pages are "Hiding Sacred Records like the Golden Plates: A Well Established Ancient Practice" and "What Could Joseph Smith Have Known about Mesoamerica?" ( and, respectively).
- Answered a couple of new questions on my LDSFAQ page about "Alleged Problems in the Book of Mormon" (see including one about how the entire Book of Mormon could be fit on one-third of the gold plates.
- Added more examples of four- and five-word parallels between Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass and the Book of Mormon on my tongue-in-cheek page about Book of Mormon plagiarism at
- Lindsay Family Photos from 2002 are now available at
- Added some new information about the papyrus scrolls related to the Book of Abraham on Part 1 of my LDSFAQ page on Questions about the Book of Abraham at (statements were added from William Appleby and Gustavus Seyffarth, who saw unmounted rolls in 1841 and 1856, respectively).
- On my "Book of Mormon Evidences" page at, I added new information about volcanic activity in Mesoamerica consistent with details given in the Book of Mormon.
- In my discussion of swords in Mesoamerica and the mention of swords in the Book of Mormon, I added new information about pointed swords in Mesoamerica. This occurs on my page about "Metals in the Book of Mormon" at
- Added information from scholar Margaret Barker on my LDSFAQ pages about the "Oneness of God" at and the LDSFAQ page on "Questions on Relationships between God, Man, and Others" at
- Updated my links to articles on the FARMS Website (FARMS (now the Maxwell Institute)), which are cited on many of my pages dealing with the Book of Mormon and other LDS topics. (FARMS has revamped their Website, requiring a reworking of most links. Ouch!)
August 2002:
- An excellent magazine about the Hmong, FutureHmong, recently published an article of mine, "Why the Hmong Are in America," in their June 2002 edition, pages 14-15. It was their cover story. An archived version is available at I've made my text available online at, for which I also added links to my page, "The Hmong People in the U.S.."
- Created a new LDSFAQ page about ancient texts that corroborate details in the Book of Abraham. The page is "Questions about the Book of Abraham, Part 3: Does it Agree with other Ancient Texts?" at
- Created a new LDSFAQ page about the alleged problem of wordiness in the Book of Mormon, showing that the language style in the book is what one would expect from a translation of an ancient Semitic text, and not from a modern English fabrication. The page is "Why is the Book of Mormon so Wordy?" at
- Added new information about local businesses and local problems to my Appleton page at
- Added new information about Melchizedek and Abraham as high priests, according to ancient texts and LDS scriptures, in my discussion of the authenticity of Alma chapter 13 in the Book of Mormon on my page "Allegations of Plagiarism in the Book of Mormon" at Also added information about Margaret Barker's analysis on the major role of Melchizedek in ancient Judaism, quoting Kevin Christensen.
- Provided new material in my pages on Block Scheduling, beginning at, including links to a new bibliographic resource on block scheduling.
- On my page, "2 Nephi 12 and the Tricola Problem," I added another example of a possible paired tricolon (an authentic ancient Hebrew poetical form that was only recognized recently by Bible scholars) that I just found in 1 Nephi 15 in the Book of Mormon (
- On my LDSFAQ page about the "Restoration of the Gospel" (, I added more evidence supporting the early Christian concept that bishops were high priests.
- Finally added a search feature to many of my pages, using Google's search engine:
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Last Updated: Dec. 26, 2016
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